Monday, February 22, 2010

Maggie Meets Chef Mary Anne Esposito

On Wednesday, I got to go to my Cousin's restaurant Pesce Blue where he hosted Marie Ann Espostio and chef Walter and his crew prepared 5 courses from her cook book "5 Ingredient Favorites". I got to indulge my taste buds with some extravagent foods. Everything being so creamy, sweet and just amazing it was a great experience to met Marie Ann Esposito too. She is such a warm person. This experience diffenetly made the top of my list!!

Me and my cousin Cliff - Chef/owner of Pesce Blue!


  1. So proud of you Maggie! You're a star! Love, Aunty Joyce and Uncle Vin xxxx

  2. Hi Maggie,

    You beat me to it! You go girl!

    Love, Aunt Rosalie
